Last modified: Tue 26.11.24 15:10
Here you can find links to all of the lesson plans and homework.
You should check here if you missed the last lesson so that you can keep
up to date with our progress.
I will try to update the page by Wednesday after the lesson.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know.
Previous Lessons - this shows what we have done in the previous lessons
CORONA Quarantäne
3.8.20: Emma Chapter 6
20.7.20: Emma Chapter 5
Additional task 9
13.7.20: Emma Chapter 4
Additional task 8
6.7.20: Emma Chapter 3
Additional task 7
29.6.20: Emma Chapter 2
Additional task 6
22.6.20: Emma Chapter 1
Something completely different!
Additional task 5
15.6.20: But was it Murder? Chapter
Additional task 4
8.6.20: But was it Murder? Chapter
Additional task 3
25.5.20: But was it Murder? Chapter
Additional task 2 🧐😊
18.5.20: But was it Murder? Chapter
Additional task 1 🧐😊
11.5.20: But was it Murder? Chapter 14
4.5.20: But was it Murder? Chapter 12 and Chapter 13 (2 short chapters)
27.4.20: But was it Murder? Chapter 11
20.4.20: But was it Murder? Chapter 10
6.4.20: But was it Murder? Chapter 9
30.3.20: But was it Murder? Chapter 8
26.3.20: Information from Ortrun - About millions and billions
23.3.20: But was it Murder? Chapter 7
16.3.20: But was it Murder? Chapter 6